Monday 18 January 2010

December - NHS! NHS! NHS!

The big Tory promise to save the NHS from spending cuts always seemed like a good idea to me. Then at ten days old my baby son developed a life threatening condition which severely affected his breathing. His oxygen saturation levels were dangerously low and he fingers and toes were turning blue in the doctor’s surgery. Three GP’s bought him back from the edge with oxygen therapy there and then. We were whisked to hospital in an ambulance. We spent a worrying ten days under an intensive care team and children’s ward doctors, whilst he was pumped with intravenous antibiotics, oxygen and covered in wires and monitors before we were finally given the all clear to go home.
When this happened we were down in Cambridge visiting my father in law who had just had five minor stokes. He too had been treated by the NHS. I marvelled at this amazing service. We were not even at home and we could rock up at a hospital when it was needed most and we did not need to bankrupt our selves to do it.
I could tell you what is wrong with the NHS. We could sit and talk over coffee about the lack of continuity in care, the gaps in nursing training and the severe shortage of medical staff. All of this I observed from my sons experience. However, this is also the truth: today fire burns brightly in my son’s eyes. They saved his life.
I think I am going to vote for the party of the NHS this year.